Saturday, June 16, 2007

This Tourist Knows

This Tourist Knows



This is just a quick lesson about inflation. Inflation. You hear the word all the time but the vast majority of people, including most college educated professionals, haven't a clue about the definition of inflation. Ask for a definition of the word and normally smart people begin babbling about multiplier effects and macro-economics versus micro-economics, etc. However, inflation is a simple concept. Whenever a government prints more money than the value of all goods and services in society they are inflating the money. More stable governments like England place a high value on NOT inflating the money. The British and Swiss have been around a long while following this approach. That's because the more extra money you print up the less value it has. For example, if the government prints up twice as much money as the economy's value that would be 100% inflation. That is the approximate amount the US government has inflated our money over the last decade or so. So dollars, being our worker credits, are now worth half as much forcing us to pay twice as much for most commodities and services. Naturally, since you must make more money just to stay in the same place, economically speaking, you are shoved into a higher tax bracket. So governments get a double benefit from inflating the money but we get screwed twice. If the government goes too far printing money the economy collapses. Hugo Chavez is printing lots of this mad money so his days are numbered. However, our government has walked the inflation tightrope and may have gone too far as well. Two ominous signs don't bode well for us. First, the US government stopped reporting on the money supply in the economy and also many nations are moving away from using the dollar in lieu of other currencies.To sum up, most Americans think gasoline is too expensive. But the value of gasoline has remained stable over decades. It's the value of our money which has dropped.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Hey Raul

Hey Raul

We may disagree on the best way to kick your ass. But we all want to kick your ass.
We have exposed your tourist apartheid for the tourist trap that it is - without adequate drinking water and toilet paper. You do not even recognize the revolt happening right before your eyes. Cubans are not stupid. They are not going to march into your guns to free themselves. They know all they have to do is insult and rob your tourists until they quit given you their money. Your days are numbered. The end will come from within your ranks. Sleep tight.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Save Your Money

Show You're Stupid Tourists

Show You're Stupid Tourists

Hey tourists if you want to really sound stupid write on your Cuba Travel Chat Boards that Cuba doesn't have medicine because the US blockades medicine. But the truth is the US is now the largest supplier of food and medicine to Cuba. If you don't believe me I'll take any bet saying I'm wrong and I'll give you ten thousand to one odds. Any tourists takers? Or do you all just like shooting your mouth off about things that you know nothing of? Your silence might make people think you stupid but when you say something stupid like the US blocks medicine to Cuba you remove all doubt of your ignorance.

Castro Anti-Gay

Warning To Foreign Investors

Warning To Foreign Investors!!!

If Raul doesn't have time to rip you off before he's run out of power, the Cuban people surely will! All foreign investments are going to be seized and given to the workers who have been forced to slave there. So investors beware!



"The house has neither electricity, nor running water -- a common situation, they say, in many rural homes in Cuba."

Check out this hidden camera report on life in the rich tobacco regions of Cuba where they still don't have electric or running water in 2007! What the hell kind of revolution is that?!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tourists Without Available Toiletries

Tourists Without Available Toiletries
Don't Laugh! Do you think it's easy
getting around with no toilet paper?

The Line Up

The Line Up

If you want to see why these tourists look so excited take a look below at the delicious banquet just waiting for them at the end of the line.

Hotel Roommate

Hotel Roommate

The Greasy Breakfast Special

The Greasy Breakfast Special

Skimpy Cuban Buffet

Skimpy Cuban Buffet

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

French Get Better Treatment

Ain't Going Back


Unhappy Tourists Were Warned!!!

Raul's Cuban Company Store

Raul's Cuban
Company Store

The trouble we Cubanos
face is most people of the world are unaware of the duel economy setup in Cuba that operates exactly like the old mining company towns. Everything was owned by the mine right down to the script money that mine employees were forced to use. Non Cubans don't realize that Raul bills the world for goods and services in hard currency like dollars, euros and pounds. Then he pays Cubans who do the work in useless pesos which only can be used in state stores with nothing available to buy.

That's why it's important to change the debate about the embargo and get out ahead of a modification of the law rather than have something shoved down our throats again. Remember, unlike in the past when the USSR was footing the bill, now Raul's got no cash to in reality buy anything from America. Selling to us would still be in effect restricted by the economic reality of a high tariff until things democratize. Travel, except for exile Cubans would remain banned until apartheid ended along with dollar restrictions. Raul will nix these things.

In other words keep the embargo in place but make it Raul's fault while exposing the ineptness of socialism to produce wealth.

Apartheid Tourism Only Helps Castro

Monday, June 11, 2007

Strategic Retreat

Strategic Retreat

Is it time to redeploy our forces? I was thinking... It appears the rest of the world is bent on ending this notion known as the "embargo" or as the Castro boys call it the blockade. Even Dr. Farinas last night on the phone from Cuba called for it's lifting. Maybe it's time we called for an end but under our conditions.

What? Have I gone mad? Hear me out. The embargo is a fantasy used by government to hide the truth of the incompetent Cuban socialist nightmare. Everything wrong with Cuba is blamed on this ghost. But the reality is, if there were no embargo in place Raul would be unable to buy much more than he can right now. They have no disposable wealth and are not going to have any until the commies go. So if we switched gears and now called for the lifting of the embargo as exiles, but under this strict provision of CASH AND CARRY ONLY, then we could expose the regime's failures once and for all. The Cuban government does not have a customer base problem and adding more American customers for produces like Cuban cigars will not help boost production and thereby increase sales. Maybe we should call for an end to the embargo but under these strict conditions:

A. All sales to Cuba must be paid for with cash.

B. All transactions with the Cuban government will be under "American beware" policy. The transacting American parties assumes all risk for any endeavor.

C. All products sold by Cuba to America will have a tariff placed on them until the regime changes to a democratic one. The tariff should be at least 100%.

D. Products or intellectual property deemed vital for national security would of course be banned for export.

E. American investment in Cuba itself should remain banned until private property rights are restored and restitution is made for past theft.

F. None of these Congressional Acts should begin to take place until Cuba legalizes using dollars in Cuba and stops taxing the use at 20%. Once they agree to this then a transition period for travel would be permitted but only for Cubans living in the US who have ties to the island.

G. Other Americans should not be permitted into Cuba until the regime ends the apartheid tourism and cracks down of the exploitation of Cubans for cheap sex especially with minors. The Cuban government should be made to agree with the US that they will jointly go after the felons who rape little Cuban boys and girls.

But here's the reality Cubanos. The regime will never go for these terms. However, where will the ball be? It will be squarely in their court. Unfortunately for them what will they be able to complain about? Maybe they will demand that apartheid remains or that dollars are not legal or remain taxed too high. Who will look bad? Not the US or we exiles. Are they going to stand up for sex tourism? Maybe they'll cry about the cash only or the seller beware provision as a reason not to take the deal. But the American tax payer and the rest of the world already shafted by the Castro boys will think us wise. What this plan would do is in reality keep the embargo in place but make it Cuba's fault not ours. We could find easy Congressional approval for this measure if we exiles support it. Then Raul would need to explain to Cubans why the embargo must remain in place - not us for a change.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lyme Disease in Cuba?



It's not what you think it means. It should mean Main Stream Manipulators. Cubans know full well how the MSM has kept Fidel in power for 48 years by being manipulated by the all time manipulator himself. So what makes you think these power elite will not do everything to slant your views their way? The ruling neo-conservatives in the Republican and Democrat parties have just about consolidated their stranglehold on power. If you believe them about their big main stream media candidates like Thompson, Rudy and Mitt then you might as well fall for the Castro stuff too. The neo-cons have a sure fire formula to control you. They tell you who to vote for on TV, don't even mention principled leaders like Ron Paul and when that doesn't work they attack him personally and marginalize him.

Good luck Ron Paul. I voted for you for president in 1988 and I will most certainly do so if given the opportunity again.

Single Payer My Ass

Single Payer My Ass

Look at this Youtube sent to me by Frank Gonzalez that aptly demonstrates national government health care. Everyone's heard that time is money. Occasionally, time can be your life. That's what Ben Franklin said, "Doth thou love life? Then waste not time. For that's the stuff life's made of."

These arrogant ignoramuses running our government continue to search for ways to care for us using our own money and time. But this fact now is perfectly clear. We all would be far better off if only we owned our time, money and body. Sadly, in all nations the government or individuals claim some or all of these human resources given to us all by the Creator. It is also plainly clear that the areas like North Korea and Cuba, where the state owns the lion's share of Creator provided individual resources normally used for survival, that people are the poorest. Likewise, Canadians having little ownership in their health care personal resources are getting life threatening medical care. Ironically, Canadians are also suffering mistreatment trying to seek a fun holiday in Cuba for cheap. I say let the punishment fit the crime.