Saturday, June 23, 2007



The next time you goons gather to harass old people who just want to be free you better beware! You make an easy group target for AIDS assassination using darts dipped in infected blood. Better to call in sick don't you think? Or does the resistance have to kill one of you to make a point?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Shrink Junta's World

Shrink Junta's World

The junta and their police and the block spies will at first stop going into the poorest areas neighborhoods as these targets get pricked by poor, abused blacks. As the tactic becomes more widely known the area of operation of the tyrant supporters will shrink. This will allow the young Cubans to experience real freedom for the first time in their lives. Once ignited it will be impossible to stop.

Junta Children AIDS Targeted!

Junta Children AIDS Targeted!

Sadly it has become necessary to target the junta's children for death using AIDS infected blow darts and stick pins. This is because the junta refuses to release hundreds of journalists and is slowly starving and torturing them to death. On the top of the Cuban Resistance's hit list are Fidel's and Raul's children. Resistance operatives in Cuba, Spain and elsewhere know who these kids are and where they live. They have learned their routines. These will be the soft targets as getting a dart into say, Raul Castro or Alarcon, will be much more difficult but not impossible if they show their face in a crowd again. The blowguns will be waiting for them. The other junta members should worry as well when they feel that pin prick! The Cuban Resistance knows who you are and where you go. You criminals will remain targeted until you die or leave Cuba. But the Cuban Resistance will detarget your children as soon as the last journalist is released from the dungeons. The Resistance would prefer not to kill your children - just as wives, mothers and other relatives would prefer you not kill their love ones. It's your move...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blacks Can Pin Hopes

Blacks Can Pin Hopes

Castro should not have treated my black Cuban brothers and sisters so badly. Now with infected pins these abused Cubans can fight back on equal footing. Strike a blow for equality and freedom my black brothers and sisters. Stick a prick today!

Pin The CDR

Pin The CDR

Since Cubans do not have Air Conditioning they will have open windows. So abused Cubans who have suffered under the block spy can now retaliate. Attach your AIDS or hepititus infected needle onto a long stick and slide it into the CDR snoop's barred bedroom while they sleep and jab them. Pricks for pricks!



If Cuba truly is the land of equality and fairness, with no AIDS, and medicine and health care widely available to all people even prisoners, where racism does not exist - then officials should have no fear of Pins for Pricks. If they are liars then they should tremble!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pins For Pricks

Pins For Pricks

If you want the Cuban police pigs to fear for a change tell your amigos Cubanos to begin carrying pins with them. When in close quarters stick the police with the pin. Is the pin infected with AIDS infected blood? Whether or not it is, is unimportant! But the junta pigs need to worry that it might be so they won't be so gungho for Castro that they beat black people whenever they feel like it. AIDS infected Cubans can do something positive for their country by contaminating a pin with their infected blood then jabbing as many pigs as possible. Do the Cuban pigs want to die with AIDS for the revolution? Why don't we find out! I call on the resistance to adopt this war tactic. Is this cruel? Yes. Do I advocate this biowarfare? Yes! Imprison 11 million of my people and you get what you deserve! So patients gets patriotic and start jabbing the pricks!

Nueva Enfermera en Mi Familia

Nueva Enfermera
en Mi Familia

La sposa de el gran nieto de Estrada-Palma
es una enfermera oficial!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mas Rudo

Mas Rudo

Unfortunately some tourists believe the reviews inserted in the travel chats by Cuban government agents. Naive tourists do not realize how cunning the Castro government is and how well they have manipulated information. Outsiders actually believe that Cubans have health care.

Really Angry Tourist

Really Angry Tourist

Why would the Cuban government treat their paying tourist customers horribly but give special treatment to high ranking Cuban government officials at the resorts? Why? Because they know the end of the regime is near and they are enjoying themselves while they can even at the expense of making tourists angry. The top officials know this economic scheme is collapsing so they don't care about tomorrow. Read below about the segregation and mistreatment of tourist and ask yourself: Is this any way to run a business if you want it to succeed?

"At this resort, the 'Rich - important Cubans' are able to vacation as well. Locals are given a red wrist band. Foreigners (ourselves) are given green wrist bands. Green banders (as we called ourselves) are treated by second class citizens, the waiters, bartenders made us feel like we truly were not welcome. The Red Banders were given first service, excellent service and the green banders were practically ignored."


Hell Hole

Sicko Social Dynamics

Sicko Social Dynamics

Here is one reason why the outside world has been duped by Castro over the health care question. If you, as a regular Cuban, want to complain to westerners about the fact that you do not have adequate health care - you will soon have no health care.

Raul's Fate

Raul's Fate

First your your wife.
Next will be your children...followed by your life.

You will soon lose your personal wealth and control over 11 million people. Finally, after YOUR death an accurate accounting of your life's misdeeds. Just because you have successfully hidden these misdeeds from a naive western media certainly does not mean these sins will remain hidden from history. Raul - I warned you how it would be. Raul...are you starting to become a believer yet?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Tourism Apartheid Law

Tourism Apartheid Law

Yes! Here is a brief explanation of the tourism apartheid legislation for separation of Cubans from special "Free Zones" set aside for foreigners only:

After approval of Law No.77 of Foreign Investment, Decree Law No. 165 on Free Zones and Industrial Parks was issued on June 22, 1996. This legislation defines Free Zones as areas within the national territory, duly limited, without a resident population , of free import and export of goods, not linked to the customs boundaries. Industrial, trade, agriculture, technological and services activities will be allowed in this area under application of a special regime.

Read the whole pile of crap right here. And this is a warning for you "foreign investors." There is in reality no legal protections for you in Cuba from Raul's criminal enterprise. Plus whatever is left after he is gone will be seized and given to the freed Cuban slaves for reparations. So you face a lose lose situation. Cut your loses now!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Plantation Raul

Plantation Raul

What if you found out the farmer next door was keeping slaves? What would you do if you found out this farmer beat and even killed his slaves to coerce compliance? If the farmer said he provided health care and educated his slaves would that make owning slaves alright? What if in reality the farmer was not actually giving his slaves health care? What if he was paying them 50 cents per day to buy all life necessities and restricting the uses of free education by telling the slaves what they can read, write, see, listen to or think about? Would you still buy some of that cotton because the price was right? Maybe you wouldn't but these exact circumstances don't stop greedy capitalists like Sherritt International from exploiting cheap Cuban labor for profit.

Therefore, when we kick their greedy asses out of Cuba and seize all of their holdings and that of the Chinese, Spanish hoteliers and other exploiters - no one will even blink an eye or feel remotely sorry for the billions they will lose because of their greedy ways. Sorry but the Cuban people never signed any of those deals so if you want to sue you'll have to name Castro as the defendant. Unfortunately, we will seize all of Castro's financial empire for the Cuban people. You can have his carcass.

Cuba Described Perfectly